Stadium Drive Reopens as Major Equipment Updates are Finished
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – A newly repaved Stadium Drive has reopened after spending most of summer closed for the Pomfret steam line replacement project.
The steam line replacement project was initiated in 2016 after the original 1966 steam line that feeds Pomfret Hall was determined to be at the end of its product lifespan and showed evidence of steam leaks and heat loss. Construction began in phases with smaller sections of the steam line being replaced over previous summers.
Work completed over this summer included replacing the largest remaining original section that ran beneath Stadium Drive. Due to the impacts of the construction, work had to be scheduled for a time when Pomfret Hall could be shut down.
Although the construction of the new line had major impacts. Scott Turley, executive director of campus utilities and building climate services, said the importance of the steam line replacement is that Pomfret residents will not notice a difference.
"The original line was not in good shape and needed to be replaced. Had it failed when Pomfret Hall was occupied, it would have radically impacted the students' daily lives."
The new pre-engineered piping system was fabricated off-site and is specifically designed for our campus. The new steam line is expected to have a 50-year useful life. The new line will likely lead to energy savings as the loss of the steam and heat will no longer be a problem.
Breanna Lacy, communications coordinator
Facilities Management