Volunteers Needed: Welcome On-Campus Students During Move-In 2020

The majority of students will move in between Wednesday, Aug. 12, and Saturday, Aug. 15. Face covers will be required this year.
University Housing seeks your help welcoming the newest class of Razorbacks to Fayetteville.
Volunteers will be needed Wednesday, Aug. 12 to Saturday, Aug. 15.
Move-In 2020 will look a little different from previous years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Instead of helping students move belongings to their rooms, volunteers will help with tasks such as providing directional assistance, disinfecting equipment and operating elevators.
To help ensure social distancing, arrival times have been limited to 10 students an hour for each building, allowing no more than two other people to assist a student during move-in and limiting one family in an elevator at a time.
Every member of the University of Arkansas and the Fayetteville community is invited to join and there are opportunities for everyone to help.
Sign up today as an individual or group using GivePulse at https://givepul.se/a6y5d9.
The final day to register is Thursday, Aug. 6.
Volunteer Information and Perks
- Volunteers receive a special move-in hat from University Housing.
- Volunteers need to provide their own face coverings to wear during shifts
- Volunteers may also enjoy a free lunch provided by one of the campus dining halls.
- Volunteers will be placed in areas with the most need (based on the number of students arriving).
There are four volunteer shifts offered daily from Wednesday, Aug. 11 to Saturday, Aug. 15. Specific information on the shift times for each day can be found on the GivePulse page under Events.
Move-in volunteer duties may include helping with directional assistance, disinfecting equipment, and operating elevators. Volunteers will not assist with moving student belongings this year.
Why Volunteer?
Move-in is a fun event that brings faculty, staff, registered student organizations and the community together.
Housing depends on the hard work and smiling faces of volunteers during move-in.
"Each year, students and their families rave about our fantastic volunteers and the welcoming atmosphere of the University of Arkansas," said Felisha Perrodin, a member of the Housing Move-in planning team.
"Volunteers are essential to the move-in process, and we know that our students would not have the best experience without the large campus and community's participation.
"While much of the work is in hot conditions, we believe this first contact with students sets an example for the rest of students' time at the University of Arkansas," she said.
For more information, contact Jake Shaw at jls087@uark.edu or by calling 479-718-3337.
Jake Shaw, student development specialist
University Housing
479-718-3337, jls087@uark.edu
Christopher Spencer, assistant director of strategic communications
University Housing
479-575-5084, cjspence@uark.edu