Faculty: Submit Course Reserve Requests Now
As the fall 2020 semester approaches, faculty are encouraged to submit course reserve requests to the University Libraries. Library personnel will attempt to fulfill these requests by finding existing online texts or scanning physical items. An online form is available.
Due to the continued outbreak of COVID-19, some changes have been made to the course reserve processes. Most importantly, for the Fall 2020 semester, no physical course reserves will be available for checkout. Currently, all materials coming into the Libraries must be quarantined for 72 hours. This requirement is incompatible with physical reserves.
In the upcoming semester, there may be longer delays in processing reserve requests as personnel try to locate items in digital format or scan them from physical items. Faculty are encouraged to submit course reserves requests as early as possible prior to the start of the semester.
Please be assured that the Libraries will work to gain access to any and all materials requested. Personnel will attempt to find requested items digitally, but when that is not an option, physical items will be scanned and uploaded into Blackboard. Digital items will be uploaded as quickly as possible, but some delays are to be expected.
Subject librarians are available to help with finding digital materials for courses. Faculty can also explore Open Educational Resources that may fit course material needs.
More information regarding course reserve policies and procedures can be found here.
Questions or Comments?
Mullins Library: (479) 575-5312; reserves@uark.edu
Multimedia Library: (479) 575-5517; libmulti@uark.edu
Chemistry / Biochemistry Library: (479) 575-2557; chemres@uark.edu
Physics Library: (479) 575-2505; physlib@uark.edu
Fine Arts Library: (479) 575-4708; falib@uark.edu
Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, director of public relations
University Libraries
479-575-7311, klovewel@uark.edu