Speak Up U of A: 2020 UA Commuter Survey Is Live

More than 30,000 people commute to and from University of Arkansas campus on a daily basis. People make these trips using a wide variety of travel modes including walking, cars, bikes, buses, e-scooters, and shuttle vans. An annual survey, initiated by the U of A Office for Sustainability with support from U of A Parking and Transit, measures how people get to and from campus. The goal of this survey is to and collect information to measure the environmental impact of transportation and to better inform future infrastructure and policy decisions.

The survey is designed to take about 3 minutes to complete. Faculty, staff, students and visitors are all invited to participate in the survey and enter to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards. The Office for Sustainability recognizes that commuting habits have been disrupted by the university's remote teaching and working. Please give answers that reflect your normal patterns before remote study and work started.

Follw this link to begin the survey now.

Last year's survey shows the drive-alone number at 35% for off-campus students and 45% for faculty and staff. Meanwhile, the percentage of commuters using alternatives such as bicycling, walking and transit had a net increase of 34% among faculty and staff and a 16% increase among U of A students. If you would like to see more details of the results here.

Much has changed in the past year since the last survey. Improvements to transit, the launch of e-scooters, bike share, and construction of new facilities, all create more options for U of A students, faculty, and staff to make their daily commutes.

The data gathered from this survey will be made available on the Office for Sustainability website following the conclusion of the survey later this summer/early fall.


Eric C. Boles, director
Office for Sustainability
479-575-2405, eboles@uark.edu

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