GPSC Shifts Funds to the Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Food Pantry

One of the trunkloads of supplies donated by the GPSC to the Full Circle Food Pantry.
The Graduate-Professional Student Congress is excited to announce its donation of nearly $1,000 worth of food and other needed products to the Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Campus Food Pantry.
After the coronavirus outbreak forced the cancellation of several of the organization's plans for the spring 2020 semester, the GPSC voted to re-allocate $999.99 to the pantry.
"As Razorbacks, we have been in awe at the work done by the Jane B Gearhart Full Circle Food Pantry since the outbreak of COVID-19," said J.D. DiLoreto-Hill, president of the Graduate-Professional Student Congress. "With a huge increase in demand and an inability to accept direct food donations, the Pantry has worked around the clock to keep those struggling most with access to nutritious meals. One of our primary missions is to help advance scholarship through travel grants for graduate and professional students. The lack of travel due to the virus has left us with additional funding and we could not think of a more worthy cause than the FCFP. We strongly encourage all graduate and professional students to go to their website or Facebook page and utilize their resources if they are in need."
Full Circle works to serve anyone with a University of Arkansas or UAMS ID and their household (including students, staff, faculty, as well as temporary or hourly employees). They provide a three day supply of groceries and personal care items, up to two times per week, for the entire household.
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has altered food pantry operations, it remains open and is a valuable resource for many people. To learn more, including how to both receive and make donations, see
Anthony (A.G.) Holdier, executive secretary
Graduate-Professional Student Congress