Fayetteville Policies and Procedures: New Policy and Revisions
June 12, 2020
The following Fayetteville Policy and Procedure was recently approved:
- 209.8 Protection of Human Subjects in Research
- The Human Subjects Protection Policy describes the university's compliance with all HHS and FDA regulations, including the 2018 Common Rule, governing human subjects research. It further demonstrates the university's commitment to apply the highest ethical standards, described in the Nuremburg Code and the Belmont Report, to all research involving human participants. The new policy does not impose any new regulatory burdens on researchers; it merely codifies and formalizes practices that we have been following.
The following Fayetteville Policies and Procedures have been revised:
- 320.0 Parking & Traffic Fees, 507.0 Room and Board Rates, 511.0 Tuition and 511.1 Student Fees
- The Tuition, Fee and Housing Rates as approved by the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees on May 21, 2020. Tuition, Mandatory Fees and Housing Rates will remain the same for Academic Year 2020-2021, with some increases to limited optional fees.
The following Policy Document has also been revised:
- 702.1 Building Executives - Duties and Responsibilities - Policy Document - Building Executives and Alternates List
- This policy document has been updated to reflect changes in building personnel on campus. Please use the search function of this policy document to see if your Building Executive and Alternate have changed. A link with instructions for requesting updates to the Building Executives and Alternates List has been added to the Policy Document.
All policies may be viewed on the web at Fayetteville Policies and Procedures.
Jolenda Lyn Hott, executive assistant
Office of Finance and Administration
479-575-5828, bradley@uark.edu