Outstanding Faculty Member Awards Announced for 2019-20 Academic Year
The Associated Student Government and the Graduate Professional Student Congress named 12 honorees as Outstanding Faculty Members of the Year. Both graduate and undergraduate students were invited to nominate faculty members from around campus to be considered for this award. The Graduate Professional Student Congress reviewed all applications from graduate students, while the Associated Student Government reviewed all applications from undergraduate students. The awardees are listed below:
- Allison Boykin — College of Education and Health Professions, nominated by Nnamdi Ezike and Aaron Myers
- Angela Elsass — College of Education and Health Professions, nominated by Sophia Vincent
- Sean Dempsey — J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, nominated by Dylan Henderson
- Varun Grover — Sam M. Walton College of Business, nominated by Jennifer Large
- Meera Kumar — J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, nominated by Ashton Moreland
- Ellen Leen-Feldner* — J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, nominated by Elise Lindsey and Rebecca Campbell
- Haitao Liao — College of Engineering, nominated by Cesar Ruiz
- Omar Manasreh — College of Engineering, nominated by Amir Shariffar
- William McComas — College of Education and Health Professions, nominated by CT Erickson
- Michael Pierce — J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, nominated by Chelsea Hodge
- Carole Shook — Sam M. Walton College of Business, nominated by Will Teague
- Ioannis Tzanetakis — Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences, nominated by Ava Wait
(* indicates award given by both graduate and undergraduate student governments)
In February, applications were released in which students could nominate their professors for this recognition. Students wrote open responses about their professors and those applications were judged by student panels selected by both the Associated Student Government and the Graduate Professional Student Congress. ASG and GPSC would like to thank all faculty members for their hard work and dedication to students. Questions about the Faculty Appreciation Awards or any other programs should be directed to the ASG Vice President at asgvp@uark.edu.
The Associated Student Government at the University of Arkansas is a student-led organization that acts as an organized voice for all students and strives to effectively represent student interests. Questions about ASG can be directed to 479-575-5205 or asg@uark.edu.
The Graduate Professional Student Congress advocates for the collective welfare of graduate and professional students at the University of Arkansas. The congress manages and distributes student activity fees paid by graduate and professional students, represents the common interests of these students, and speaks with one voice on behalf of its constituents. The Graduate Professional Student Congress seeks to improve the lives, careers and research of all graduate-professional students at the University of Arkansas.
About the Division of Student Affairs: The Division of Student Affairs supports students in pursuing knowledge, earning a degree, finding meaningful careers, exploring diversity, and connecting with the global community. We provide students housing, dining, health care resources, and create innovative programs that educate and inspire. We enhance the University of Arkansas experience and help students succeed, one student at a time.
Associated Student Government, Graduate Professional Student Congress
Office of Student Activities
479-575-5255, osa@uark.edu
Scott Flanagin, executive director of communications
Division of Student Affairs
479-575-6785, sflanagi@uark.edu