OLLI Seeking Course Ideas, Instructors for Fall 2020
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is looking for instructors and course proposals for the fall 2020 term.
Established at the University of Arkansas in 2007, OLLI has provided an avenue for seasoned adults to meet up for a variety of educational courses, special events and social activities.
In addition to course proposals, OLLI is seeking learning opportunities or programs that the organization can offer virtually this May and June to supplement other programs that have migrated online.
With over 100 course offerings, OLLI instructors can be as diverse as the courses themselves. If you're an expert in your field or simply a passionate hobbyist, then OLLI is the place for you.
Current instructors include current or retired University of Arkansas faculty as well as distinguished community members and other experts. Ideal candidates also include graduate students and doctoral candidates actively pursuing independent research ventures they would like to share.
Teaching with OLLI is a rewarding experience. OLLI instructor Tom Paradise, a geosciences professor in the J. William Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences, said, "The classes are simple, fun, comfortable, the settings are informal, friendly and exciting. To me, it's the ideal learning experience, and once you've taught one, you want to teach more and more classes"
It's common for OLLI instructors to donate their instructional time. Along with many other benefits, instructors receive mileage reimbursement and have the option to use OLLI courses as community service toward tenure.
Teaching for OLLI provides instructors a unique opportunity to present their academic research to seasoned adults in an open-forum classroom setting for in-depth discussions.
Course proposals are reviewed twice a year. The deadlines is May 8 for fall courses and Oct. 31 for spring courses. If you enjoy teaching and sharing your knowledge with others, contact OLLI at 479-575-4545 or email olli@uark.edu for more information.
Josh Raney, director
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
479-575-3541, jraney@uark.edu