Reminder to Submit Course Reserve Requests for Summer 2020 Semester
As the all-online summer 2020 sessions approach, the University of Arkansas Libraries remind faculty to submit all course reserve requests for summer courses. During this unusual time, the course reserve process may be different than it has been in the past.
As campus continues working remotely, access to print materials may be limited. While the Libraries will work diligently to gain access to all requested materials, be advised that there are some materials that we may be unable to obtain digitally while campus remains closed.
More information regarding course reserve policies and procedures can be found online, as can the course reserve request form. A Word document version is available if needed. After downloading this form and filling it out, it can then be e-mailed to one of the contacts listed below.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to or one of our branches. If you would like to be in contact with your subject librarian for help and assistance in finding digital materials for your courses, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We will get you connected with the correct person.
Course Reserves contact information:
- Mullins Library: (479) 575-5312;
- Multimedia Library: (479) 575-5517;
- Chemistry / Biochemistry Library: (479) 575-2557;
- Physics Library: (479) 575-2505;
- Fine Arts Library: (479) 575-4708;
- Law Library: (479) 575-5051;
Stephanie Guenther, multimedia supervisor
University Libraries
Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, director of public relations
University Libraries