Advanced Financial Modeling: New Finance Course Offered in Fall
To meet the demand in the job market and to enhance students' marketability by providing them with advanced technical skills to augment and expand upon their knowledge of finance, the Finance Department of the Sam M. Walton College of Business just completed the design of a new course to be offered in fall 2020.
Special Topics FINN 410V (Advanced Financial Modeling) will be offered on Mondays and Wednesdays 4:35-5:50 p.m. and taught by Cinder Zhang, Ph.D.
The purpose of this specially designed course is to build students' abilities in data handling and modeling with up-to-date business intelligence platforms such as Microsoft Power BI and Tableau. Business executives in charge of hiring and recruiting from many companies are actively seeking candidates with these skills and abilities.
Contact Cash Acrey at for more information about the course.
Cash Acrey, clinical assistant professor
Department of Finance