Farmer Recognized With Walton College Outstanding All-Around Faculty Award
Amy Farmer, University Professor in the Department of Economics and the Margaret Gerig & R.S. Martin Jr. Chair in Business, has been recognized with the Outstanding All-Around Faculty Award for 2019-20 by the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas.
In addition to the all-around award, Dean Matt Waller announced other faculty awards for 2019-20. "Even in the face of unprecedented challenges this school year, these individuals continue to make a positive difference in the Walton College, helping us in realizing the promise of our vision and mission," Waller said. "I am pleased to recognize the teachers and researchers who represent the high standards set by all of our Walton College faculty."
Other faculty awards for 2019-20 are:
- Faculty Excellence in Service award: Gary Ferrier of the Department of Economics
- Faculty Excellence in Teaching award: B.J. Allen of the Department of Marketing
- Faculty Excellence in Research award: Andrew Brownback of the Department of Economics
- Adjunct Faculty Teaching award: Chris Medenwald of the Department of Marketing
- Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher: Nathaniel Burke of the Department of Economics
- Walton MBA Teacher of the Year: Vern Richardson of the Department of Accounting
David Speer, senior director of communications
Sam M. Walton College of Business