OLLI Offering Online Classes, 'Virtual House Party' to Connect with Members During Pandemic
The Osher Lifelong Learning Center has suspended all in-person events due to COVID-19, but the fun continues online, including an invitation for members to join a "Virtual House Party."
OLLI, part of the College of Education and Health Professions at the University of Arkansas, is a peer-led organization for seasoned adults offering short courses, lectures, special events, day trips and social functions. During this season of social distancing, OLLI has moved many of its events online, using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.
"We are excited to offer opportunities for the OLLI community to continue taking classes and engaging with one another while we are unable to meet in person," said director Josh Raney. "The online platform we are using allows participants to see, hear and interact with the instructor and peers. We are also engaging with the community through social media platforms and e-blasts. It is a great opportunity to stay active and continue learning while we are all apart."
OLLI continues to accept new members during this time.
One way to interact with other members is through OLLI's Virtual House Party, an online meeting room that's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Members can connect through an un-monitored Blackboard Collaborate room.
In a note to members, Raney stated, "Feel free to jump on anytime to see who else is on and strike up a conversation. In the mornings, get your cup of Joe, take your tablet to your patio or grab a seat in front of your computer, and see if you can make a new friend to talk to. In the afternoons, maybe hop on to see how everyone else's days went."
You can also use OLLI's "House Party" to test your system with Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. You can practice with the mic, webcam, and chat features to get familiar with the system before you participate or enroll in a class.
Upcoming OLLI online classes include:
- April 16: Feel Better About Feeling Better: How to Make Health Changes Stick
- April 23: Judicial Elections in Arkansas, Why People Choose, Vote or Skip Those Votes
- April 29/30: Historical Architectural Styles of Arkansas
- Through May 6: Yoga for Healthy Aging
- May 7: Eat Paleo
- May 8: Writing with Clarity and Correctness
- May 13: China's Challenge: The Easy Part is Over
- June 11: Stay Sharper Longer: 9 Habits to Boost Brain Power
OLLI will continue adding online programs and events in the coming weeks. Visit the website for timely updates.
Josh Raney, director
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
479-575-3541, jraney@uark.edu
Shannon Magsam, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions
479-575-3138, magsam@uark.edu