University Recreation Holds Virtual Intramural Sports
Although in-person intramural sports have been suspended, University Recreation is encouraging friendly competition through multiple virtual events that will help to keep the UARK community engaged and entertained.
1871 Challenge
In celebration of the University’s founding in April of 1871, UREC is encouraging the campus community to take part in the 1871 Challenge! This challenge asks walkers and runners to see how far they can walk/run in 1871 seconds, which translates to 31 minutes during April 8-30. As you complete this challenge, wear any Arkansas apparel and post/share your 1871 Challenge on social media platform by tagging us @urecarkansas with the hashtag #1871challenge. Participants who complete the challenge will receive an Intramural Sports champion T-shirt!
Virtual 5k: Launch date Wednesday, April 8-30
The Virtual 5k is open for current University of Arkansas students, faculty and staff. There are four divisions: Men’s (Faculty/Staff & Student) Women’s (Faculty/Staff & Student). Participants are required to upload a screenshot of their 5k time at the time of submission (must include date and time). Participants are only allowed to submit once here starting on April 8. The leaderboard will be updated here. For questions, email
eSports Tournaments (IM Sports):
Calling all gamers! The inaugural e-Sports tournament was held on Friday, April 3. Additional tournaments will continue weekly on Mondays throughout the month of April (4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27)! Register for one or all games with our offerings on BOTH XBox and PlayStation: FIFA20, Madden20 and NBA2K. It's free to play. Register at
National Quarantine Quiz Show
This takes place every Wednesday during the month of April on Twitch at 7 p.m. CST. This is available to any U of A student, faculty or staff member. A Twitch account is required to play. Participants must create a log-in with your uark username, follow the RecWithoutBorders channel on Twitch and play against other college students from across the nation. Weekly winners will receive UREC intramural sports champion t-shirts from a variety of colleges and universities who are coming together to provide a fun, interactive experience!
Words with Friends
Intramural Sports is hosting a Words with Friends virtual tournament. Participants would need to download the app, words with friends 2, and send an email to with their name, ID number, and words with friends username. Registration is from April 6-17 at Tournament starts on April 20.
For questions, please contact
Jonathan Elliott, assistant director
University Recreation