New Course Coming in Fall 2020: Made in Italy
Still figuring out your course schedule for fall 2020?
Consider taking Made in Italy (ITAL 3983: Special Topics) from 3:05-5:35 p.m. Mondays. This course counts towards the Italian minor and the Italian business specialization. Taught in English.
Course Description: This course will introduce students to Italy as an economic and design capitol of the world. Made in Italy is based on four pillars or the Four A's: Abbigliamento (clothes), Agroalimentare (food), Arredamento (furniture) and Automotive (automobiles), plus a fifth added for the course, Artigianale.
As such, the course will introduce students to various brands and products that represent Italy's genius in design both domestically and internationally. The class will examine some basic aspects of marketing, product design, and advertising along with case studies.
For questions, email Ryan Calabretta-Sajder at
Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, assistant professor of Italian
Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures