Students Attend American Pre-Veterinary Medical Association Symposium
In early March, 13 members of the Pre-Veterinary Club, along with two faculty advisors, Jeremy Powell and Lauren Thomas, traveled to Virginia Tech University to participate in the 2020 American Pre-Veterinary Medical Association Symposium.
Hosted by a different school each year, the annual symposium typically draws approximately 500 pre-veterinary students from all over the nation. During this year's two-day event, our students had the opportunity to attended lectures presented by veterinary professionals, participate in hands-on wet labs and meet and greet with veterinary admissions counselors from all over the nation, including international schools! As an added bonus, our students capitalized on the long drive to Virginia Tech by stopping in Knoxville, Tennessee. to tour the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine.
All students agree, that while the drive to and from Virginia was rather arduous, the value of the experience was well worth all the effort!
Bryan M. Rhodes, administrative specialist II
Department of Animal Science