Global Campus Building in Fayetteville Is Closed Temporarily for Flood Repair
The Global Campus building in downtown Fayetteville is closed temporarily for repairs to damage caused by a burst pipe and flooding. Staff are working off-site to expedite building repairs.
There will be no disruption to Global Campus services to the main campus. Instructional designers, academic technologists, and learning technology support staff will continue to assist with training faculty to teach remotely. They also will continue to support the Teaching Innovation and Pedagogical Support center, also known as the TIPS center.
"The Global Campus staff members are equipped and trained to work at a distance," said Cheryl Murphy, vice provost for distance education and leader of the Global Campus. "We are working at full capacity to support the campus in its temporary move to remote teaching."
The building at 2 E. Center St. flooded on March 7 after a pipe burst in the ceiling of the fifth floor. Water created pools on the fourth and fifth floors and leaked down to the third floor. Some pools were more than 6 inches deep. The water ruined carpet, dry wall, ceiling tiles, furniture, some computers and other equipment. Staff were temporarily relocated to other parts of the building during the first five days after the flood, but the building was closed Monday, March 16, to expedite repairs.
The TIPS center has been moved to Mullins Library 289 on the main campus.
Kay Murphy, director of communications
Global Campus