Do You Have A Story to Tell? Become A Part of Human Library!

Human Library
Jueun Moon

Human Library

Do you or someone you know have an interesting life story or a unique perspective? Share it through dialogue with another person in a supportive and inviting space at the Human Library! Fill out this short form to recommend yourself or someone you know to become a "human book!"

Prefer to be a reader or volunteer at the event? Sign up here!

The Human Library is designed to build a positive framework for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through true human connection and conversation. The Human Library is a space where real people are "on loan" to readers. Difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered.

This semester's Human Library event will be held April 22-24 in Holcombe Hall. 

Fill out this short form to recommend yourself or someone you know to become a "human book!"

If you would like to discuss including Human Library as a part of your curriculum, please reach out to Kelly Dundon, 



Kelly Dundon, graduate assistant
Center for Multicultural Diversity and Education

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