Info Session for Promotion and Tenure Candidates March 30
All University of Arkansas faculty applying for promotion or tenure in the near future are invited to the session Scholarly metrics: Identify impact of your research or your department and find peer-reviewers for your promotion/tenure package, set for 9:30-11 a.m. Monday, March 30, in Room 102 of Mullins Library. Registration is required, as seating is limited.
The session will be particularly useful to those who need to identify peer-reviewers, show the impact of their work or identify potential collaborators. It will also be helpful for faculty or administrators who may want to compare the productivity of their departments with peer or aspirant institutions. Luti Salisbury, distinguished professor and librarian, will present this informative session to show how to do identify the various conventional and non-conventional resources to build a promotion or tenure case.
Lutishoor Salisbury, head, Chemistry and Biochemistry Library
University Libraries
Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, director of public relations
University Libraries