What Next? Post-Graduation Options Seminars
The University of Arkansas' College of Engineering, International Students and Scholars, and Walton Career Services are hosting Art Serratelli, an immigration attorney, for a campus visit on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 17-18.
Serratelli will be giving two Lunch and Learn presentations for students, faculty and staff regarding the latest immigration updates for visas, working abroad, and more. There will also be free 20-minute consultations in Holcombe Hall and Willard J. Walker. These are scheduled on a first-come, first-basis which students should contact ISS or Xue Lee (xlee@walton.uark.edu) in Walton Career Services to make an appointment.
Students interested in attending the Lunch and Learn sessions must RSVP in Handshake for the Monday seminar or the Tuesday seminar. Faculty and staff may contact Xue Lee to RSVP.
Xue Lee, career coach
Walton College of Business
479-575-5169, xuelee@uark.edu