Lecture to Explore Cinematic Representation of Current War Between Russia and Ukraine

Vitaly Chernetsky, University of Kansas
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Vitaly Chernetsky, University of Kansas

The Russian Program in the Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures and the Arkansas Humanities Center are hosting a lecture by professor Vitaly Chernetsy of the University of Kansas, on the cinematic representation of the current war between Russia and Ukraine at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20 in Kimpel Hall, room 105. 

His lecture, "The School of War: Cinematic Explorations of the Donbas Conflict," examines how soon after the toppling of the Yanukovych government in February 2014 – in what the Ukrainians termed the Revolution of Dignity – Russia intervened in Ukraine, first by annexing Crimea, then by instigating and supporting separatist activity in parts of the Donbas region in the country's east.

The six years of ongoing conflict profoundly affected many Ukrainians, even it only involves about seven percent of the country's territory, and in other parts of the country things seem to go on as normal.

The past six years have also witnessed a major new wave of Ukrainian filmmaking that has attracted broad international attention.


Nadja Berkovich, teaching assistant professor
Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
217-418-6690, nadezdab@uark.edu

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