Latin American and Latino Studies Program Offers Study Abroad Scholarships for Puebla, Mexico
The Latin American and Latino Studies Program at the University of Arkansas is funding two scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each to cover study-abroad expenses for the 2020 U of A Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program in Puebla, Mexico.
The application process is open to all full-time undergraduate students who are Latin American and Latino Studies majors or minors, although non-majors/minors may also apply.
The award aims also to enhance diversity in study abroad and preference will be given to students from underrepresented communities (i.e., first generation students, members of ethnic minority groups, students with a documented disability, and students with demonstrated financial need).
For more information about this study abroad opportunity, please read this recent Newswire story.
To apply for this study abroad opportunity, visit the Study Abroad Office online and submit your application by Feb. 15.
Steven Rosales, associate professor
Latin American and Latino Studies Program