Nominate an Outstanding Staff Team Today
With almost 3,000 staff on campus, every one of us is affected by the daily efforts of our incredible staff. Have you noticed a team that has gone above and beyond to make the U of A a better place? Now is your chance to help them be recognized. Any faculty or staff member may nominate any staff team for this award. Self-nominations are accepted, as well.
The Outstanding Staff Team award recognizes performance for the previous calendar year (2019). The outstanding team effort may be a result of a specific project, or it may be the performance of the normal duties of an organizational unit. Eligible teams will be composed of U of A staff employees who are 100 percent appointed at the Fayetteville campus and may be classified, non-classified or a combination of both who have worked together to promote the mission of the university. The Outstanding Staff Team will receive a cash award of $2,500.
Deadline for nominations is Friday, Jan. 24, 2020. Award information and a nomination form can be found on the Staff Senate website. Completed nominations should be sent to Autumn Parker, Awards Committee Chair, via campus mail at WCOB 328 or email at
Autumn Parker, awards committee chair
Staff Senate