September at Garvan Gardens Features Yoga Classes, Permaculture Workshop, Fall Photowalk

Celosia, also called woolflowers or cockscombs, bloom earlier this month at Garvan Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs.
Garvan Woodland Gardens

Celosia, also called woolflowers or cockscombs, bloom earlier this month at Garvan Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs.

HOT SPRINGS, Ark. –- Autumn returns to Garvan Woodland Gardens with classes in digital photography, botanical illustration and yoga, along with group health walks, a workshop on sustainable gardening and a sunset photowalk to Perry Point.

The September art exhibit will feature work by members of the Traditional Art Guild, a group that promotes art education, art appreciation and creativity among artists of all levels. The show, which will feature flora and fauna, will be displayed in the Magnolia Room all month.

A "Gardening with Permaculture" workshop will take place at 10 a.m. Sept. 7 in the Magnolia Room. Justin Dreyer, an urban homesteader, will discuss sustainable gardening principles, with a focus on frugality, sustainability and timesaving methods of growing food and beneficial plants. Topics include raised beds, humanure, aquaponics, vermicomposting and urban and rural permaculture techniques.  

"Intro to Digital Photography – Five-Part Series" will be held from 3-5 p.m. Sept. 8, 15, 22 and 29 and Oct. 6 in the Magnolia Room. This series is for beginning digital photographers with a DSLR camera. Julia Mann, a photographer on the garden staff, will help participants learn the basics of manual mode, with a technique designed to build confidence and knowledge in every student.

"Group Health Walks" will take place at 9 a.m. three days a week from Sept. 9 to Nov. 22. On Mondays, Sharon Turrentine will lead a three-mile walk in 52 minutes. On Wednesdays, Ginger Ladehoff or Dee Garrett will lead the two-plus-mile "Halfway Hike." On Fridays, Rush Fentress will lead a two-mile walk called "The Weekender." Walks will be held rain or shine. Participants should meet in the Welcome Center, and pets and strollers are welcome.

"Yoga at the Gardens" will be held from 10-11 a.m. Sept. 14 and 28, Oct. 12 and 26, and Nov. 2 and 16. The first class of the season will be on the Great Lawn; all others will be at the Klipsch Amphitheatre. Diana Esanu, a yoga instructor, will teach the series, incorporating stretches, gentle poses, breath work and affirmations. A 10-minute guided meditation will follow. Participants are asked to bring their own yoga mats.

The "Botanical Illustration Series" will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Sept. 21 and Oct. 26 in the Magnolia Room. Ginger Ladehoff and Rush Fentress will co-teach the series on creating meaningful botanical illustrations, providing a short botanical lecture and one-on-one instruction with drawings. All materials will be provided, but students are encouraged to bring their own pencils if desired. The focus for September is Hibiscus sp. (hardy hibiscus) and the focus for October is Acer sp. (maples).

A fall photowalk to view "Sunset at Perry Point" will begin at 6 p.m. Sept. 28 in the Magnolia Room. The event is for participants of all skill levels. Any camera types, including smartphones and tablets/iPads are welcome. The walk will begin with a brief classroom session to discuss lighting, composition and focus tips.

A seed swap is planned for the Celebrate Fall Day on Oct. 12. Gardeners are invited to save the date for this event, where they will be able to exchange their open-pollinated, non-hybrid plant seeds.

Garvan Woodland Gardens is the botanical garden of the University of Arkansas and part of the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design. The garden is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Admission is $15 for adults, $5 for children ages 4-12 and free for children ages 3 and younger. Some events and activities are free. Some require a fee, advance registration or prepayment.

For more information about these events or to check on upcoming events, call 501-262-9300 or 800-366-4664.


Bettina M. Lehovec, communications writer
Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design

Michelle Parks, director of communications
Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design

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