Student Email to Move from Gmail to Outlook

During winter break, student email accounts will be migrated from Google Gmail to Microsoft Outlook. This migration will automatically move all email messages, calendar appointments, contacts, and attachments from Gmail to Outlook. Google Suite tools, including Drive, will remain available to the campus community. 

Prospective students applying for fall 2020 will be assigned Microsoft Outlook accounts rather than Google Gmail.

What you need to know:

  • Email addresses (e.g., will remain the same.
  • Student email accounts will be migrated during the winter break between fall 2019 and spring 2020. Specific dates will be announced.
  • Email messages, attachments, calendars and contacts will be migrated automatically.
  • All Google Suite tools, other than Gmail, will continue to be available. 
  • Forwards setup in Gmail will need to be set up again in Outlook.
  • Complete instructions on using Outlook will be sent directly to Gmail users.


  • Students, faculty and staff will be on one unified email and calendar platform to streamline communications and collaboration.
  • Students will have access to the full University of Arkansas address book.
  • Simplified file sharing and real-time collaboration among faculty, advisors, and supervisors for student employees on campus.
  • Greater integration with Microsoft Office 365, available for free to students to install on up to five devices including iOS and Android.

Why is this happening?

  • The Computing Activities Council made and approved the motion to unify students, faculty and staff on one email/calendar platform.
  • Removes barriers to collaboration between students and faculty as well as student employees and their supervisors.

Additional communication will be provided from IT Services before migrations. For questions or concerns, contact


Chris Butler, director of communications
University Information Technology Services

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