Schola Cantorum Heading to Serbia for International Concert Tour
The Schola Cantorum, the U of A's flagship vocal ensemble, will leave after spring commencement for an international concert tour to the Republic of Serbia. They will give concerts in the cities of Belgrade, Nis, and Novi Sad, among others. They have workshops scheduled with university and conservatory music programs, and have received a distinguished invitation to perform in the Crypt of St. Sava, one of the most beautiful and sacred places in Orthodoxy.
The choir has spent the spring semester learning the music of Serbia and the Balkans, and have concert repertoire featuring Serbian Orthodox chant, sacred works in Church Slavonic, Serbo-Croation and Macedonian folksongs, and other patriotic works.
Schola Cantorum's history of international touring dates back to 1962, when the choir became the first American choir to win the Guido D'Arrezo award for polyphony. Recent tours include concerts in Puerto Rico, Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands.
Stephen E. Caldwell, assistant professor
Department of Music