U of A Faculty's Open Educational Resources Added to Institutional Repository
Four University of Arkansas faculty members have completed projects for the Open Educational Resources Course Materials Conversion Program, which is jointly funded by the University Libraries and Global Campus. These projects are all located in the OER section of the University Libraries institutional repository, ScholarWorks@UARK.
Each resource creator has published their work under open Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 licenses. The authors retain their rights to the work but offer others the opportunity to freely use the works without requesting additional permissions if they acknowledge the author and share adapted derivatives under the same license.
Featured titles include:
Astronomy for Educators (2019): This textbook created by Daniel E. Barth used in STEM education courses for pre-service teachers (STEM 4104 and STEM 4033) explores teaching methods for K-12 science courses. It is also useful to practicing teachers seeking expanded knowledge of astronomy and low-cost, hands-on experiments they can implement in their classrooms. Barth's work as an astronomy educator was featured in a Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette video in 2016.
University Physics 1: Classical Mechanics (2019): A textbook created by Julio Gea-Banacloche for a first-semester physics course (PHYS 2054) for physics and engineering majors. This university core course is required for all engineering students and serves more than 1,000 students each school year.
Open Technical Writing: An Open-Access Text for Instruction in Technical and Professional Writing (2019): This textbook by Adam Rex Pope is focused on practical methodologies for technical writing for upper-level English students and graduate students.
An Interactive Text for Food and Agricultural Marketing (2018): This textbook for a junior-level agricultural economics course (AGEC 3303) was created by Michael R. Thomsen as an online text using R. It features interactive resources the help students better understand food market, consumer demand and consumer theory.
For more information about the OER Course Materials Conversion Program, visit the OER webpage.
Elaine Thornton, open education and distance learning librarian
University Libraries
479-575-4856, oer@uark.edu
Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, public relations coordinator
University Libraries
479-575-7311, klovewel@uark.edu