Libraries and ASG Partner to Provide PressReader Trial

The campus community now has access to a month-long trial of PressReader, a digital newspaper distribution network that provides access to over 7,000 newspapers and magazines from 120 countries in 60 languages. Thisis made possible by a partnership between the University Libraries and the Associated Student Government. All are encouraged to use PressReader and provide feedback before the trial ends May 15. 

"PressReader is a unique platform that enables our students the ability to read newspapers and magazines through an easy to use electronic portal," said Joel Thornton, head of Instruction and Liaison Services for University Libraries. "Using the tool can encourage critical thinking and allows access to information from a variety of world cultures. The University Libraries constantly strives to collaborate with our students to provide relevant content that meets their needs. The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Standards for Libraries in Higher Education stress the important role academic libraries play in the education of students inside and outside the classroom. Working with Hunter Simmons and the Associated Student Government to expand Arkansas students' access to news that traverses state, regional and international borders is just one of our many efforts to fulfill this mission."    

The Libraries have created a guide on how to access PressReader via web browser or through the app, available for Apple and Android smartphones. 

"As the chair of the Razorback Readership Program, my goal is to serve students most effectively within the realm of newspapers," said Hunter Simmons. "Obtaining online subscriptions has been a goal of the Associated Student Government for some time now, and with the help of Joel Thornton, we found out about PressReader and the amazing, broad readership that it provides." 

Local newspapers such as the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette are not available on the platform due to licensing restrictions. However, the paper will remain available in print at campus distribution locations.

Libraries staff are working with PressReader to support multiple kinds of authentication. Users who experience any problems connecting to PressReader during the trial can email us for help.


Joel Thornton, head, Instruction and Liaison Services
University Libraries

Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, public relations coordinator
University Libraries

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