Lot 99 Is Site of Promotion for Drivers Who Commute

Lot 99 will host the promotion organized by the UA Bookstore and Transit and Parking.
The University of Arkansas Bookstore and the Transit and Parking Department are showing appreciation to student drivers who commute, with a special presence in Lot 99 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, April 9-11.
From 7-10 a.m. on those days, individuals from both organizations will be in Lot 99 to welcome students who park there.
Motorists will get a coupon for 25 percent off of a UA Bookstore purchase.
In addition, the UA Bookstore is giving away a pair of Apple AirPods. To see the contest rules, see the UA Bookstore's Instagram@theuofabookstore.
Anyone with a U of A parking permit can park in Lot 99 and can catch a ride to the heart of campus on a Razorback Transit bus.
Those who have not parked in Lot 99 may want to try it during the promotion. It is located south of the main campus on Beechwood Avenue.
It is farther away than other lots, but it is spacious (with 1,100 parking spots) and a Razorback Transit bus comes by every few minutes.
David Wilson, communications director
Transit and Parking
479-575-6089, dbw010@uark.edu