Opportunities for Students to Conduct Research in Applied Mathematics
Assistant professor Tulin Kaman, Thy Dao, Gracen Kopp, Khalil Buckmire, Logan Sublett, Alaina Edwards, Sam Collins and John McGarigal.
The U of A SIAM Student Chapter organized its first field trip to the 103rd annual meeting of the Arkansas Academy of Science, which was held at the Hendrix College in Conway between March 29-30. The goal of this trip was to engage U of A students in research, and promote interdisciplinary activities among the students of the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering.
Three U of A undergraduate students — Alaina Edwards (mathematical sciences/physics/computer science), John McGarigal (mechanical engineering) and Khalil Buckmire (geosciences) — and two graduate students — Logan Sublett (mathematical sciences) and Thy Dao (statistics and analytics) — presented their projects at the annual meeting. Additionally the SIAM student chapter officers Gracen Kopp (mechanical engineering) and Sam Collins (computer science and computer engineering) attended the annual meeting.
Edwards and McGarigal, the Blue Waters interns in Kaman's Applied Mathematics group in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, have been working on the development of hybrid parallelization strategies to speed up the computation of the numerical schemes in fluid dynamics simulations. Their project in high performance computing received the 1st place for undergraduate poster presentation in Computer Science.
"The purpose of Applied Mathematics group activities is to motivate our students and engage them in research. I am very happy to announce that our group member Alaina has been accepted to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Pathways to Computing Internship Program to learn more about projects in diverse domains and develop her skills in computational science and mathematics," Kaman said.
The next SIAM field trip, supported by the Arkansas Aerospace and Defense Alliance, is scheduled for Thursday, April 25, at the Mid-America Aerospace and Defense summit, which will be held at the Fort Smith Convention Center. The agenda of the upcoming SIAM events can be viewed online at kaman.uark.edu/siam.
Kaman holds the Lawrence Jesser Toll Jr. Chair in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
About SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is an international community of over 14,000 individual members. Almost 500 academic, manufacturing, research and development, service and consulting organizations, government, and military organizations worldwide are institutional members. SIAM was incorporated in 1952 as a nonprofit organization to convey useful mathematical knowledge to other professionals who could implement mathematical theory for practical, industrial, or scientific use. Since then, SIAM's goals have remained the same.
About the Arkansas Academy of Science: The Arkansas Academy of Science began meeting in 1917 as a group of scientists wishing to establish regular avenues of communication with one another and promote science and the dissemination of scientific information in the state. The Academy is a volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan, non-political, professional organization consisting of scientists who pay dues to join with other scientists to promote science in the state and region.
About the Arkansas Aerospace & Defense Alliance: The Arkansas Aerospace & Defense Alliance is a group of public and private aerospace companies, government agencies and educational institutions dedicated to growing the aerospace, aviation and defense infrastructure in Arkansas and training a qualified workforce.
Tulin Kaman, assistant professor
Mathematical Sciences
479-575-3351, tkaman@uark.edu