U of A Students Voting this Week on Proposal to Raise Student Activity Fee

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The University of Arkansas Associated Student Government is asking students to vote on a referendum to raise annual student activity fees each year for the next five years to fund student programs.

Students currently pay $2.64 per credit hour; if the referendum passes that rate will be raised, over five years, to $2.99 per semester hour.

If students pass the proposal any increase in fees will still have to be presented by Chancellor Steinmetz to the UA Board of Trustees for final approval.

Referendum Item #1 on the ballot reads: “Would you be in favor of a 2.5% increase in the student activity fee per year for 5 consecutive years in order to better fund student programs? An average student takes 26 hours, and they currently pay $68.64 ($2.64 per credit hour) a year to support the Headliners Concert Committee, Volunteer Action Center, University Programs, Distinguished Lectures Committee, SafeRide, and the Associated Student Government. After the proposed increase, in five years, that average student would be paying $75.80 ($2.99 per credit hour) a year towards their student activity fee.”

The student activity fee is allocated by the Program Allocations Board, which is comprised of student representatives from five organizations and a student-at-large. The student activity fee funds programs and services such as::

  • Springtime of Youth Concert 
  • Razorback Food Recovery 
  • Student Distinguished Lecture Series
  • Registered Student Organization funding through the ASG 
  • SafeRide / Campus Safety Initiatives
  • All University Programs Events

Voting for the General Elections began Monday, March 4 and will end at 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 6.

There are several ways students can vote:

  • Online at asg.uark.edu/elections
  • Paper ballot in the Office of Student Activities, Arkansas Union A665
  • Mullins Library polling station
  • Honors College in Gearhart Hall polling station
  • Multicultural Center polling station

All currently enrolled undergraduate University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, students are eligible to vote.


Steve Voorhies, manager of media relations
University Relations
479-575-3583, voorhies@uark.edu

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