U of A Teacher Candidates Judge Statewide Competition, Visit Governor's Mansion

From left: Morgan McDaniel, Frances Holland, Colton Watson, Holli Hutchinson, Sophie Spann, Diana Cortes and Sheri Deaton.
Six Family and Consumer Science Education teacher candidates from the University of Arkansas, along with their faculty mentor Sheri Deaton, recently served as evaluators for the Arkansas state competitive events for Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).
Deaton said opportunities like these are important for FCS students because it allows them to serve their profession, learn more about this type of competition, and reach out into communities across Arkansas.
Prior to the judging event on Feb. 21 in Conway, Gov. Asa Hutchinson and first lady Susan Hutchinson invited the students to a private dinner at the mansion. Students were given a full tour of the mansion and grounds and learned about the history of "The People's House."
"Opportunities for teacher candidates to give back to their professional community and collaborate with teachers from across the state are powerful moments I have intentionally included in the Career and Technical Education teacher preparation program," Deaton said. "When candidates finish their degree program, it is my hope that they are prepared to meet the diverse needs of all students and to seek to find ways to contribute professionally throughout their career.
"The opportunity to meet the governor and first lady, tour the grounds at the mansion, and discuss the challenges associated with teaching over a private dinner is one I am sure the students will not soon forget."
Sheri Deaton, clinical instructor
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
479-575-2581, sddeato@uark.edu
Shannon Magsam, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions
479-409-0424, magsam@uark.edu