Faculty Invited to Breakfast with the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
Dan Sui, the vice chancellor for research and innovation, would like to invite university faculty to have breakfast with him and members of his leadership team. The first "Research Over Easy" breakfast for this semester is scheduled for 7:45-9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 6, in Arkansas Union, Room 510.
Research Over Easy gives you an opportunity to discuss various topics related to the research enterprise at the University of Arkansas. The topic on Feb. 6 will focus on conducting convergence research and how to write competitive convergence research proposals. The vice chancellor and his team in attendance can provide specific information related to their area.
You can RSVP for the Feb. 6 breakfast on the HR Employee Development Program site.
Amy E. Hardin, administrative specialist III
Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation, and Economic Development
479-575-7467, aeh002@uark.edu