Biomedical Engineering Faculty, Students Play Key Role at Society Meeting

Thirty members of the Department of Biomedical Engineering attended the Biomedical Engineering Society's Annual Meeting to highlight their research and learn about the latest advances in the field.
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Thirty members of the Department of Biomedical Engineering attended the Biomedical Engineering Society's Annual Meeting to highlight their research and learn about the latest advances in the field.

Thirty biomedical engineering students and faculty members attended the Biomedical Engineering Society's Annual Meeting in Atlanta this fall to share their latest research, network with peers and hear the latest updates in the world of biomedical engineering.

The four-day-long meeting, which marked the Society's 50th Anniversary, focused on the theme of "Celebrating the Past, Transforming the Future," and was attended by more than 4,300 participants, with members of the University of Arkansas Biomedical Engineering Department playing a key role in the proceedings.

Kyle Quinn, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, was Biomedical Imaging and Instrumentation Track Chair, as well as Therapy and Monitoring Session Chair. Faculty members Timothy Muldoon, Narasimhan Rajaram, Morten Jensen, and Jeffrey Wolchok were Session Chairs for sessions on Optics and Spectroscopy in Blood and Cardiovascular Applications; Cancer Imaging; Cardiovascular Engineering, Device Technologies and Biomedical Robotics, Vascular Devices and Hemodynamics; and Natural Biomaterials, respectively.

Numerous faculty members also served as abstract reviewers on subjects including cellular and molecular bioengineering, stem cell engineering, biomedical imaging and instrumentation, and more.

Additionally, four biomedical engineering students received awards at the meeting: Shelby Bess and Alaa Abdelgawad received 2018 BMES Student Travel Awards, Ishita Tandon received a 2018 BMES Career Development Award, and Mason Belue received an AEMB Outstanding Chapter Officer Award. For these students, the meeting was a chance to experience the biomedical engineering world outside of the lab and classroom, and network with a wide variety of both academics and industry professionals.

"Being able to go to a distinguished conference such as BMES was truly a blessing," Bess said. "Through this meeting, I was able to expand my knowledge on various biomedical engineering research applications. BMES was also a great place to make connections with other students and faculty members who were passionate about what they love to do everyday."

For Belue, the meeting was a surprisingly broad look at the field of biomedical engineering.

"I realize with hindsight that there was no possible way that I could have prepared myself for the wealth of knowledge and the magnitude of new scientific discoveries made this year as I browsed the posters and attended panels at the BMES conference," he said. "This experience contributed to my growing optimism for the future of biomedical engineering and excited me about all the new technology being developed to improve the lives of everyone. Walking away, I feel inspired to play my part and push the field of biomedical engineering forward even further, if not by a kilometer, then by a micron."

Raj Rao, professor and head of the department of biomedical engineering, said the meeting was a valuable opportunity for student  and faculty alike to showcase the strength of the department.

"This is an exciting time for the biomedical engineering field," he said. "Having our students and faculty present their work and serve the society in many different ways demonstrates the significance and impact of the research and training programs we have in place at the University of Arkansas."

More details of the department presentations and service can be found at this link:


Elizabeth DeMeo, multimedia specialist
biomedical engineering

Nick DeMoss, director of communications
College of Engineering

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