Facilities Management Chili Cook-off Raises $3,400 for U of A United Way

Chili Cook-off winners: l-r: Tim Penhallegon, Gary Enzor and Rick Gragg
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Chili Cook-off winners: l-r: Tim Penhallegon, Gary Enzor and Rick Gragg

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The 4th Annual Chili Cook-off at the Facilities Management Carpenter Shop Friday, Nov. 16 was a huge success, raising $3,400 for the U of A United Way campaign. This donation pushes the campaign total close to the $100,000 mark, and raises the Facilities staff contributions to more than $16,800.

All donations to the campaign go to the United Way of North West Arkansas, for programs that help local children find a pathway out of poverty. 

More than 20 U of A staff members prepared their own chili recipes for the cook-off, which were sampled and evaluated by a trio of judges – a tough job, but someone’s got to do it, right?

People from all over campus paid $5 for their chili luncheon, and were also able to vote for their own favorite entry, their votes taking the form of additional donations to the United Way.

The judges’ picks were:

  • 1st place: Gary Enzor, recycling foreman
  • 2nd place: Rick Gragg from building system maintainence controls
  • 3rd place: Tim Penhallegon, administrative assistant in the Office for Economic Development

Rick Gragg was also the popular vote winner.

The Chili Cook-off event also featured a silent auction, with everyone attending getting a chance to bid on a variety of donated items, including several handcrafted cutting boards, coasters and wood carvings made by members of the Carpenter Shop. Again, all proceeds from the auction were donated to the U of A United Way campaign.

That active campaign ended Oct. 31, but the campaign website is still live, and holiday donations will be accepted until Dec. 31. This year’s campaign goal is $125,000.


Steve Voorhies, manager of media relations
University Relations
479-575-3583, voorhies@uark.edu

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