Title IX Office Seeking Students to Participate in Student Title IX Advisory Committee
The Title IX Office is seeking students interested in participating in the Student Title IX Advisory Committee. Students are encouraged to apply if they are interested in working with the UA Title IX coordinator to discuss campuswide sexual misconduct issues. The committee will meet and look to identify effective ways to communicate with students, seek input on training and prevention programming and discuss general student concerns with university policies and process.
The Title IX Office aspires to comprise a committee with approximatley 15 students from a wide of academic programs. The committee is tentatively scheduled to meet briefly before the end of the semester and at least once during the spring 2019 semester.
To apply, please contact Tyler Farrar, the UA Title IX coordinator, via email at tylerf@uark.edu. Farrar requests interested students complete a short questionaire discussing their interest, which will be provided upon request.
Tyler Farrar, Title IX coordinator
Title IX Office