IT Brown Bag Highlighting Swift and Apple's 'Everyone Can Code' Program on Nov. 8

Faculty and staff are invited to learn more about digital literacy at tomorrow's Brown Bag lunch.
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Faculty and staff are invited to learn more about digital literacy at tomorrow's Brown Bag lunch.

With programming jobs growing at a rate of 12 percent faster than the market average and more than 7 million jobs requiring coding skills, the demand for tech-savvy workers continues to climb.

Learn about new tools helping meet the demand during the next IT Services Digital Literacy Brown Bag lunch from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 8, in Arkansas Union 508-509.

Presenter Jessie Yeager, Apple Education Executive, will share more about the programming language Swift and Apple's "Everyone Can Code" program, designed to help anyone learn, write and teach code. 

"When we say coding for everyone, we mean everyone. You don't have to be a computer science major to do coding," Marie Riley, director of IT Professional Development and Training, said.

Participants are invited to bring their lunch and join in person or online through WebEx. This is the first of many Brown Bag lunches on digital literacy and campus projects. Find a complete list of upcoming Brown Bag events at


Chris Butler, director of communications
University Information Technology Services

Jennifer Brown, communications strategist
Information Technology Services

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