U of A United Way Hits Half-way Mark to Campaign Goal - With Two Days Left

U of A United Way Hits Half-way Mark to Campaign Goal - With Two Days Left
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FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The University of Arkansas United Way campaign officially ends on Wednesday, Oct. 31. So far U of A faculty and staff have contributed $65,422 to the campaign -- 52 percent of the campaign goal of $125,000.

“I want to thank everyone who has made a donation so far,” said Chris McCoy, campaign chair. “Anyone who has been meaning to make a donation – consider this a gentle reminder. Time is running out. You can make a donation by turning in your donor card to your unit volunteer, or you can go to our safe and secure online site. The size of the donation is not important – everything helps because when We’re United great things happen.”

The Global Campus on the Fayetteville Square is offering another way to give as well – a Fall Fair/Haunted Hallway in their building on Halloween. Watch newswire for more details.

All donations to the U of A United Way campaign go to the United Way of Northwest Arkansas, and 98 cents of each dollar donated goes to support local programs that work to help children and their families find a pathway out of poverty.

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