TIPS to Host Faculty Development Events in Celebration of National Distance Learning Week
All who teach at the University of Arkansas are invited to participate in a series of development events celebrating National Distance Learning Week, Nov. 5-9, sponsored by Teaching Innovation and Pedagogical Support, also known as TIPS.
Distance learning initiatives served as the springboard for the use of video in teaching and learning. The highlight for the week's events will be two workshops led by Aaron Bond on video-enhanced instruction.
Bond is the senior director for the Networked Learning Initiatives and Faculty Digital Fluency at Virginia Tech, and he is nationally known for his research and work in learning communities, communities of practice for professional development, and meaningful course design.
During lunch sessions this week, Shelly Walters, associate director of instructional design and support services, and Kathryn Zawisza, director of academic technology and innovation, will share examples of how faculty are using video in the classroom, both online and face-to-face.
"We believe best way to celebrate National Distance Learning Week is to invest in U of A faculty and support their innovative pedagogical goals," said Donald Judges, vice provost for distance education. "We are doing this by bringing Aaron Bond to campus and following up his sessions with a hands-on, practical workshop at the TIPS Center."
Please RSVP for the sessions through the Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center by Oct. 30.
Events include:
- Nov. 6, Arkansas Union Verizon Ballroom, two sessions: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or 2 to 4:30 p.m., "Finding the Right Tool: Video-enhanced Instruction and Inquiry, Experimentation and Reflection," led by Bond.
Description: Finding the right tool to enhance instruction is an important part of any instructional design process. Incorporating video into course design may help improve student learning and retention. Teaching is a scientific process that starts with a hypothesis. In order to determine the effectiveness of a given instructional tool, it is important to "test" its usefulness. Approaching learning and teaching as an experiment can provide evidence that instructional interventions are achieving the desired results. If interventions are unsuccessful, thoughtful reflection can lead to better instructional practices. In this session, the group will explore how video can enhance instruction and how incorporating a data-informed approach can ensure the right tool is being employed.
- Nov. 6, Arkansas Union Verizon Ballroom, New Faculty Lunch Discussion, 12:30 to 1:45 p.m., "Examples of Video-enhanced Instruction at the University of Arkansas," led by Walters and Zawisza. The lunch session is part of the Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center New Faculty Lunch Series. However, anyone who teaches is welcome to join. This presentation will be repeated for the Not-So-New Faculty Lunch Series at the end of November.
Description: A brief overview of Kaltura, Echo360, NBC Learn,, VoiceThread and other tools for curating, creating, and sharing video content. TIPS staff will share examples of faculty use of the tools and provide instructors and students with information on where to go for support and resources. The purpose of this session is to demonstrate available technology to use for video-enhanced instruction.
- Nov. 7, Arkansas Union, 510 and 511, New Faculty Lunch Discussion, noon to 1:15 p.m., "Examples of Video-enhanced Instruction at the University of Arkansas," repeat presentation from Nov. 6. Please RSVP for the lunch discussion.
- Nov. 9, TIPS Center in Gibson Annex, drop in between noon to 3 p.m., "Caffeinate Your Course – Video-enhanced Instruction," led by TIPS staff. All who teach can drop by for a follow-up Friday and take the first step in implementing or exploring ideas inspired by discussion during the Nov. 6 workshop. Staff will be on hand to assist with hands-on practice or to brainstorm ideas for using video in teaching and learning. Coffee and snacks will be provided.
TIPS is a partnership between the Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center, IT Services, and Global Campus. The TIPS website provides quick teaching tips, faculty spotlights, upcoming events, and help with academic technology tools.
Drop by for teaching innovation and pedagogical support weekdays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. at one of two TIPS Center locations: the TIPS Center located in Gibson Annex or TIPS Underground at the Global Campus, 2. E. Center St., on the downtown Fayetteville square. For immediate assistance, go to
Shelly Walters, associate director of instructional design and support services
Global Campus
Kathryn Zawisza, director of academic technology and innovation
IT Services