Faculty Invited to Research Over Easy Breakfast

Dan Sui, vice chancellor for research and innovation, would like to invite university faculty to have breakfast with him and members of his leadership team. The “Research Over Easy” breakfast for this semester is scheduled for 7:45-9 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 8, in Arkansas Union, Room 508-509.

Research Over Easy gives you an opportunity to discuss various topics related to the research enterprise at the University of Arkansas. The vice chancellor and his team in attendance can provide specific information related to their area. Reproducible research will be featured among the topics to be covered and discussed on Nov. 8. Those planning to submit proposals to federal funding agencies will find the discussion particularly useful.

You can RSVP to the Nov. 8 breakfast on the Human Resources Employee Development Program site. Register at the Research Over Easy page.


Jennifer D. Atchley White, assistant to the vice chancellor for research and innovation
Office of Research and Innovation
479-575-5901, jdatchle@uark.edu

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