College of Education and Health Professions Announces Appointments
The College of Education and Health Professions has a number of new administrators with the start of the fall semester, Dean Michael Miller announced.
"We have an excellent administrative team," Miller said. "This really is a dream-team of leaders for the college's faculty, staff, students and programs."
Steve Dittmore, who holds a faculty appointment as professor of recreation and sport management, now serves as assistant dean for outreach and innovation. Dittmore joins Kate Mamiseishvili, who serves as associate dean for academic and student affairs, and Jeremy Battjes, who serves as assistant dean of administration. Mamiseishvili holds a faculty appointment as professor of higher education, and Battjes also serves as director of University Recreation.
Cheryl Murphy was moved from interim to department head of Curriculum and Instruction, and Michael Hevel was moved from interim to department head of Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communication Disorders. Susan Patton continues as director of the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing, Jay Greene continues as head of Education Reform, and Matt Ganio continues as head of Health, Human Performance and Recreation.
Also, in the college, Clint Jones was named director of the Arkansas Leadership Academy, and Shawn Bell was named director of the Center for Mathematics and Science Education.
Heidi S. Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions