UA System Selects Workday as ERP Solution
After 30 months of planning, the systemwide project to provide a modern enterprise resource planning solution is becoming a reality. A thorough selection process involving representatives from each institution within the University of Arkansas System resulted in the selection of Workday as the new solution for enterprise resource planning, or ERP. This new system will modernize financial and human resource processes at more than 15 institutions across the state.
At the Fayetteville campus, Workday will replace the nearly 30-year-old BASIS in phase one of this multi-year project. BASIS was created by university technical teams nearly 30 years ago for managing business, financial and human resources.
Workday is a cloud-based service that will serve as the single platform for finance, HR and payroll for University of Arkansas System campuses. Workday has been successfully implemented at a number of respected institutions across the country, including Arizona State University, Texas A&M University and the University of Virginia. Deloitte has been selected as the ERP implementation partner and will be working closely with system campuses to implement Workday.
Chris McCoy, chief information officer at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, has presented on the ERP project to numerous colleges, departments and committees around campus and will continue to do so. Groups interested in learning more about the project can contact Rachel Gerner, executive assistant to the CIO, to schedule a presentation. University administrators can also expect future announcements for campus town halls in the coming months to answer questions and provide updates on this project.
"The ERP project will impact every area of our university. Modernizing our processes and systems will allow us to be more agile in the way we use data and serve our students, faculty and staff," said McCoy. "It's important for our campus to understand this is an opportunity for us to rethink how we work and begin operating as one system."
Additional information can be found on the UA System ERP Project website. Contact Nate Hinkel, director of communication for the UA System, to be added to the project mailing list.
Chris Butler, director of communications
University Information Technology Services