Reminder: Women's Giving Circle Accepting Grant Proposals Until May 18

Women's Giving Circle members discuss funding decisions at the 2017 voting event.
The University of Arkansas Women's Giving Circle is now accepting grant applications from faculty and staff for programs and initiatives supporting the campus and communities across the state. Proposals should include work that falls within the scope of the Women's Giving Circle's priorities.
- Support and promote scholarship, research and service
- Enrich the quality of life of women and children
- Encourage outreach and engagement in Arkansas
Please visit the Women's Giving Circle website to download the grant application packet, review the process and see a list of past recipients. Applications will be accepted from now until 5 p.m. on Friday, May 18. Grant semi-finalists will be notified in September and the final grants will be awarded at the fall voting event on Oct. 19.
Beginning with the 2016 Grant Cycle, the Women's Giving Circle instituted a two-year funding rule. No applicant may receive funding for the same project for more than two consecutive years. Thereafter, applicants are welcome to submit another project. The maximum funding for any grant will be capped at $20,000.
The Women's Giving Circle was created by the founding members of the Women in Philanthropy Committee of the Campaign for the Twenty-First Century. Since 2003, the circle has awarded over $1.2 million in funding to faculty and staff members from various departments and academic units at the university. This year marks the 16th year of funding for the circle.
Karen Stair, executive assistant
University Development
Jennifer Holland, director of development communications
University Relations