Talk Solutions During Technology Brown Bag Series
Beginning Thursday, Feb. 22, IT Services will host a Brown Bag series to support campuswide discussion and collaboration around a broad range of technologies. The hour is designed for students, faculty and staff to learn about campus services, share ideas and provide a feedback forum regarding any topic related to technology at the University of Arkansas.
The first Brown Bag is from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 22, in the Arkansas Union, room 308 SW. The topic for discussion is "What's New in IT." Upcoming topics in the series include Microsoft Office365, WordPress, SharePoint and cloud storage.
More Brown Bags are scheduled throughout the semester. Visit to subscribe to IT Services monthly newsletter.
Attendees are invited to bring their lunch and hear the latest developments in IT initiatives on campus, as well as participate in hands-on training sessions covering a variety of applications.
If you are curious about a tech topic that is not already scheduled, contact to suggest adding another event to the series.
Marie Riley, technology support director
University Information Technology Services