Holidays Around the World
University Programs will host Holidays Around the World from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 6, in the Arkansas Union Verizon Ballroom.
This event is sponsored by University Programs through the Office of Student Activities and is supported by the Student Activities fee. For accommodations due to disability, please contact the Office of Student Activities, or call 479-575-5255.
Do you love learning about different cultures? This interactive event will give participants the opportunity to learn about different cultures and the holidays they celebrate. Each country represented will have an information table and a sampling of their holiday food or drink.
This event is sponsored by University Programs Cultures and Concepts Committee. For more information on this event, contact University Programs Cultures and Concepts Chair, Chynna Dunham at or 479-575-5255 or Morgan Pulliam at
University Programs, Cultures and Concepts Committee
Office of Student Activities
Scott Flanagin, executive director of communications
Division of Student Affairs