U of A United Way Campaign Is Underway: Take the Opportunity to Give

The U of A United Way campaign has started. Keep track of the campus contributions toward the university goal.
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The U of A United Way campaign has started. Keep track of the campus contributions toward the university goal.

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The 83rd U of A United Way campaign officially begins today, Oct. 2, and wraps up in four weeks, on Friday, Oct. 27.

The campaign theme is “United We Win.”

The goal of the campaign is to raise $160,000 for the United Way of Northwest Arkansas, to support programs that help the 27,000 children in our community who live in poverty. United we can reach that goal, which is a definite win for everyone.

The campaign’s second goal is to have as many faculty, staff and students as possible participate in the campaign. There are many ways to contribute, and this year it is easier than ever to make your contribution.

The newest way to contribute is through the mobile app Venmo. If you don’t already have the app on your mobile device, it’s a free download. All you have to do is get yourself registered and you can make a secure donation of any amount from your bank account, credit or debit card. The donation will go directly to the United Way of Northwest Arkansas, but it will be credited to the U of A campaign.

“We know that many people live on their phones, and we wanted to make it as easy as possible for them to participate in this campaign,” said campaign co-chair Stacy Leeds. “This is particularly a way that we can get students involved in the campaign.”

It is also easier this year to contribute online from your desktop, laptop, or any other mobile device. Simply go to the campaign website and click either the Donate Now or the Contribute in other ways button.

Donate Now will take you to a secure site where you can fill out a form to donate by payroll deduction, credit or debit card, pledge a gift by cash or check, or ask the United Way to send you a bill. Remember: if you made a payroll deduction last year, you have to renew it again for this year.

You can click Contribute in other ways to volunteer for the United Way, indicate that you gave through Venmo, or that you contribute to the community in other ways. All of these are ways for you to let us know you are participating.

Contributing with your personal U of A United Way donation is a third option. By today every U of A faculty and staff member should have received one of trhese cards. If you didn’t get one yet, please contact your campus coordinator. You can find who that is at our campaign website.

You can contribute with this card, either by making a donation or by indicating that you would like to volunteer with the United Way or that you contribute to the community in other ways.

If you want to make a donation you can return the card to your campus coordinator with cash or a check, or indicate that you want to make a payroll deduction. Remember: if you made a payroll deduction, you have to renew it again for this year.

Everyone who participates will be eligible for a weekly door prize drawing, whether you turn it your donation card or contribute online. 


Jacque Linebarger, campaign coordinator
U of A United Way
479-575-6209, jklineba@uark.edu

Steve Voorhies, manager of media relations
University Relations
479-575-3583, voorhies@uark.edu

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