UARK Wellness Hosts Find Your Well Event
UARK Wellness is hosting an interactive and informative-based event for the campus community. Find YOUR Well will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24, in the Arkansas Union, rooms 507-515, behind the Verizon Ballroom.
UARK Wellness' Find YOUR Well event is a collaborative effort by the Wellness Ambassadors to help teach the campus community how to live a more balanced, holistic lifestyle. The event will help participants learn more about how to maximize their own unique wellness potential. Students, faculty, staff, and all members of the U of A campus are welcome.
Find YOUR Well will offer opportunities to participate in activities, win wellness prizes, and learn more information about UARK Wellness and how to enhance each dimension in your own life.
"Find YOUR Well will allow participants to better understand their own sense of wellness and how it can be advanced on this particular campus," said Shaina Hayutin, UARK Wellness Coordinator.
"Everyone has their own definition of what wellness means to them and this hands-on event will foster an atmosphere of self-discovery."
Community members interested in attending are asked to register through the UARK Wellness website at The first 100 registrants will receive a free UARK Wellness T-shirt.
About UARK Wellness: UARK Wellness aims to help members of the campus community achieve their full potential by maximizing positive qualities and embracing a healthier lifestyles. Visit for more information or follow the UARK Wellness Instagram account @uarkwellness.
Shaina Hayutin, wellness coordinator
University Recreation
Jessica Bayley, intern
Pat Walker Health Center