Arkansas Alumni Association Announces 2017 Alumni Award Honorees

The Arkansas Alumni Association will host its 73rd annual Alumni Awards Celebration at 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 3, at the Fayetteville Town Center.

This year's awards celebration honors the accomplishments of 12 alumni, faculty and friends. Tickets are $100 per person, and $25 of each ticket will go directly to support the Arkansas Alumni Association Scholarship Program. Registration is available online at RSVP by Oct. 20. Tables and sponsorships are available. For more information on tickets and sponsorships, contact Deb Euculano at or call 479-575-2292.

The awards and honorees are:

Citation of Distinguished Alumni, which recognizes exceptional professional and personal achievement and extraordinary distinction in a chosen field:

  • Sharon E. Bernard, B.S.'69, J.D.'69, attorney (retired)
  • Terrence R. Dake, B.A.'66, general, U.S. Marine Corps (retired)
  • Mark Waldrip, B.S.A.'77, managing member of Armor Seeds and chairman of Armor Bank

Andrew J. Lucas Service Award, which acknowledges significant contribution of time and energy on behalf of the University and the Alumni Association:

  • John L Colbert, B.S.E.'76, M.Ed.'81, Ph.D.'17, associate superintendent for elementary education for Fayetteville Public Schools

Community Service Award, which recognizes unselfish and extensive service by alumni to their community and to humankind:

  • Jawanda Mast, B.S.H.E.'84, M.S.'89, disability advocate

Young Alumni Award, which recognizes exceptional achievements in career, public service and/or volunteer activities that bring honor to the University of Arkansas:

  • Theresa Fette, B.S.B.A.'99, M.Acc.'00, J.D.'03, CEO and co-founder of Provident Trust Group

Honorary Alumni Award, which honors non-alumni who have served, promoted, developed and loved the University of Arkansas in the tradition of an Arkansas graduate:

  • Denise Garner, founder/president of Feed Communities and publisher of Edible Ozarkansas, and Dr. Hershey Garner, radiation oncologist for Highlands Oncology Group

Faculty Distinguished Achievement Award for Service

  • Tiffany R. Murphy, J.D., associate professor of law and director of Criminal Practice Clinic for the University of Arkansas School of Law

Faculty Distinguished Achievement Award for Research

  • Ranil Wickramasinghe, Ph.D., professor for the Department of Chemical Engineering in the College of Engineering and site director of Membrane Science, Engineering and Technology Center at the University of Arkansas

Faculty Distinguished Achievement Rising Teaching Award

  • Kate Shoulders, Ph.D., associate professor for the Department of Agricultural Education, Communications and Technology in the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences

Charles and Nadine Baum Faculty Teaching Award, which recognizes outstanding teaching and is designated for a faculty member whose status is Full, University or Distinguished Professor:

  • John A. White, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor and Chancellor Emeritus for the Department of Industrial Engineering in the College of Engineering.


Ashley Fitzsimmons, assistant director of communications
Arkansas Alumni Association

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