RSO Advisor Development Workshops set for 2017-18; First session Sept. 18
All Registered Student Organization advisors are invited to take part in the Advisor Development Series for 2017-18. The Office of Student Activities offers advisor workshops aimed at increasing knowledge, support, and understanding of the RSO advisor role. In addition, this program offers opportunities to network with other university professionals and advisors who have a rich knowledge base of advising experience. Workshops are held once a month. Each workshop covers a different topic relating to the advisor's role in RSO's.
Each session will begin promptly at noon and end by 1 p.m. Advisors who wish to eat lunch and interact with peer advisors can arrive starting at 11:30 a.m. Office of Student Activities staff will remain until 1:30 p.m. for dialogue with RSO advisors. Advisors can pre-register for the workshops on HogSync. Pre-registration is required for those planning to eat lunch.
Session dates and registration links include:
- Monday, Sept. 18, in J.B. Hunt 535
- Wednesday, Oct. 18 in Arkansas Union 507-508
- Tuesday, Nov. 14 in J.B. Hunt 535
- Tuesday, Jan. 16 in Arkansas Union 512-513
- Wednesday, Feb. 21 in Arkansas Union 513-514
- Tuesday, March 13 in J.B. Hunt 535
- Wednesday, April 11 in J.B. Hunt 535
For more information about Registered Student Organizations, contact the Office of Student Activities, 479-575-5255 or email
Registered Student Organziations,
Office of Student Activities
Scott Flanagin, executive director of communications
Division of Student Affairs