All Faculty Dead Day Lunch and Poster Presentations
The Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center will hold the All Faculty Dead Day Lunch & Poster Presentations on Friday, May 5. The luncheon will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Arkansas Union Ballroom.
Title: Inspiring and Innovative Ideas for Your Teaching:
Poster Presentations from the Research in Teaching and Teaching Improvement Grant Recipients
Sponsored by the Wally Cordes TFSC with Research in Teaching Grants funded by Global Campus and Recognition of the 2017 Research in Teaching and Teaching Improvement Grant recipients.
Attendees will be having the Little Italy Buffet for lunch. Please RSVP by noon Friday, April 28, to TFSC at 575-3222, or by email at Please let them know if you have any special dietary needs.
Lori Libbert, special events manager
Teaching and Faculty Support Center