STAR Central and RESPECT Program Announce Events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Sexual violence continues to be major public health, human rights and social justice issue, and it impacts everyone.
It's estimated that one in five women, and one in 71 men, are victims of sexual violence in their lifetimes. College students are at increased risk for sexual assault — one in four college women and one in 16 college men.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). The goal of SAAM is to raise public awareness about sexual violence and educate communities on how to prevent it. Here at the University of Arkansas, STAR Central and the RESPECT program will host various educational and awareness events that address and speak out against sexual assault and relationship violence.
"Although we focus on creating awareness and prevention year-round, an awareness month allows for concentrated public exposure to the important issue of sexual violence that plagues our nation," says STAR Central Director Dr. Mary Wyandt-Hiebert, PhD, MCHES, CWHC. "SAAM is about fostering greater awareness and creating dialogue about the need for change."
SAAM kicks-off with the annual "The Flag Project." From now until April 11, the Arkansas Union courtyard is covered in red and white flags to symbolize the 3,309 female and 789 male students that could potentially be or have been victims of sexual violence based on national statistics. "This powerful display provides a visual-perspective to why we must stand together to end sexual violence," says Dr. Wyandt-Hiebert. "We must recognize the scope of the problem and embrace that prevention is not only possible, but gravely needed."
Other awareness and educational events include compelling art exhibits that share the stories of victims of sexual and dispel myths; and interactive outreach activities for students to understand that preventing acts of sexual violence is possible.
View the complete list of events, dates and times.
15th annual Northwest Arkansas' Take Back The Night march headlines SAAM
On Thursday, April 20, men, women and children will come together as a unified voice denouncing sexual assault and relationship violence. Participants will march from Fayetteville Square to Old Main on campus carrying banners and signs that display messages advocating for an end to sexual assault and relationship violence.
The event will also include a candlelight vigil to honor the victims and survivors of sexual assault, as well as inspirational words and songs from guest speakers, and more. Learn more about this year's Take Back the Night march.
About STAR Central: STAR Central, an office in the Pat Walker Health Center Wellness & Health Promotion Department, provides Support, Training, Advocacy and Resources on Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence. Developed in 1998, STAR Central addresses the issues of sexual assault and relationship violence through the provision of awareness campaigns, education programs, and victim advocacy services.
About RESPECT: As a program of STAR Central, Rape Education Services by Peers Encouraging Conscious Thought, better known by its acronym, RESPECT, began in 2000 as a way to further reach out to university students through the use of peer education. RESPECT provides interactive and educational programs by college students for college students.
Zac Brown, assistant director of communications
Pat Walker Health Center